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Attendance Policies & Procedures

Attendance and Absences

Calling in Absences
Please contact the attendance clerk by phone at (951) 738-2180 or send a note with your student when they return. If your student is returning to school with an injury (broken arm, leg, sprain), for safety reasons, we need a doctor's note with restrictions and guidelines for them to be on campus. 

  • Absence Types
    Excused Absences: (Code 1 & 2)
    - Illness or injury, quarantine, court, religious holiday, medial appointment 
    - Funeral of Family member (1 day in state, 3 days out of state).

  • Verified truancy (Code X)
    - Went to Disneyland, an extended weekend, parent visitation, birthday, family in town visiting, etc. 

    Unverified truancy: (Code 3)
    - Student is absent from school without a phone call or note. 

    Attendance Letters
    Please check your email address in Parent Q. Attendance letters are send to the email address on file. 

    1 Event = Absence or Tardy

  • 1st Letter = Courtesy notice sent at 7 events 

  • 2nd Letter = Warning notice sent at 10 events

  • 3rd Letter = SART invitation sent at 10 absences / 14 events

  • Students whose attendance does not improve may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) at the district office. 

Independent Study Agreement
We always encourage students to be present in school, however, if your child is going to be absent 5 or more days, an Independent Study may be an option.

 - An Independent Study contract should be requested at least one week prior to the start date.

- Independent Studies are NOT available the first two and last two week of the
school year, and the week before going off-track or coming back on-track.

- An Independent Study can be requested one-time per academic school year.

- Learning is occurring by completing the work assigned but this is not classroom
instruction or collaboration with their peers and academic gaps may occur.

- All work must be returned the day the student returns to school, to receive full
attendance credit.

- Students on an IEP must attend an IEP meeting prior to signing an independent
study contract. Please contact your case carrier to schedule an appointment.

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