Monday - Friday AM
Where: Soccer Field/Black Top
Time: 7:05 - 7:20 AM Before School
Enter: Main Gate at 7:05 AM - or through the office after 7:05 AM
Monday PM
Where: Soccer Field/Multipurpose Room
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 PM After School
What is 100 Mile Club?
Visit the Official Website to learn more about the Mission, Vision, and What 100 Mile Club does for our students.
Here at Eastvale Elementary 100 Mile Club:
* Builds a child’s confidence and health at the same time!
* Allows all Eastvale students, family members, and staff to participate
* Supports character development through John Wooden principals
Participants sign up and pay $10 to be eligible for the awards. Students receive a t-shirt at 25 miles, which is marked again at 50, 75 and 100 miles. A certificate, golden pencil and membership card, wristband, and a medal may be earned as well. Participants walk/run miles at various times at school: before, during and after school. Sticks are given to mark partial miles; miles are recorded by the teacher (students who do not pay the fee may still have a record kept of their miles for personal satisfaction). Volunteers are needed to hand out sticks in order for this to be successful. Sign up by clicking the link above! If you have multiple children signing up, please submit a separate form for each. You may sign yourself up with any child, reporting your miles to that child’s teacher. Checks may be written to Eastvale Elementary School.
Please note....For the safety of all, parents are NOT allowed to participate in 100 Mile Club on our school campus.
Thank you for your cooperation!